LIFEE’s LE-12CH electrocardiographic system has the following features:
- 8” multicolor LCD screen (optional touch screen). Can display 12-leads simultaneously
- With a handle in the upper part, and a weight of 5 Kg, it can be easily transported
- Built-in alphanumeric keyboard
- Li-ion, 2500 mAh rechargeable battery, for 1.5 hours of continuous printing or 300 ECG reports. Optionally, battery can be extended to 5000 mAh, for 2.5 hours of continuous printing or 450 reports.
- Detection of failing electrodes
- Internal memory storage for 300 studies, with possibility to expand through USB storage
- Built-in thermal printer for A4-size reports, including waveforms, interpretation and demographics
- With pacemaker detection and defibrillation sync
- Heart rate detection from 30 to 300 bpm, allowing analysis for adult and pediatric patients
- Capable of data transmission through Ethernet, RS232 ports or Wi-Fi (optional)
- Reports can be exported in PDF, XML, FDA-SCP and DICOM, allowing connectivity with HIS
- In compliance with 510(k) US FDA requirements