LIFEE’s stress test, LSTR-12, allows the user to control several devices like treadmills, bicycles and blood pressure measuring devices, as well as acquiring ECG signals during exercise, allowing analysis and interpretation in a PC/laptop with our software. Some features of this technology are:
- Acquires up to 12-leads simultaneously, with real-time display on screen in full disclosure mode
- Performs ST-segment analysis and ST average complexes analysis
- ECG waveforms can be frozen for detailed review
- Displays graphics trends
- Automatic base line correction, for adequate interpretation of studies
- Allows data transmission through USB or Wireless connection (optional)
- Generates printable reports in PDF, Word, JPG or BMP formats, and transmission of ECG data in SCP, XML, PDF, DOC and JPG.
- Compatible with a wide range of ergometers and treadmills, allowing speed and inclination control directly from the workstation
- Can include a blood pressure monitor or manual register of blood pressure
- Preloaded and customizable protocols, such as: Bruce and Modified Bruce, Kattus, Ellestad, among many others
- Measured parameters: PS, HR, PVC, ST max. & min, METs
- Realizes analysis in pre-workout, workout, recovery and end-of-test phases